If by this summer, the U.S. manufacturing community has helped rebuild the medical supply chain to slow the COVID-19 outbreak drastically, then congress should pass the massive infrastructure bill that was being negotiated and died last year.
It should also have a Buy American clause to make sure the money is put directly into American workers hands to revitalize the economy and infrastructure of the United States. Highlighting the importance and a strategy for growing and connecting the domestic supply chain has to be a part of this bill as well.
The House is eyeing new funding for water, broadband, schools and other infrastructure systems that have proven insufficient, they said, in the face of the current coronavirus crisis.
“There are infrastructure needs that our country has that directly relate to how we are proceeding with the coronavirus,” Pelosi said on a conference call with reporters. “And we would like to see in what comes next something that has always been nonpartisan, bipartisan, and that is an infrastructure piece that takes us into the future.”
Pelosi, however, noted that President Trump had won the White House campaigning on a massive infrastructure program, saying the coronavirus has provided Washington policymakers with an “opportunity” to unite and get it done.
This will instill security for a lot of the manufacturers that have uncertainty today. There really should be Industrial Policy that is developed as part of this legislation that recognizes the importance of manufacturing for developing new infrastructure. Invest enough time and money so that not only does the manufacturing industry survive this decade but that it thrives with advancements.